Meet the pearhaus Team

We are Husband and Wife and live in Poole, Dorset with our two young children and Labrador. Our passion is coffee, beach walks and family life.

  • Co Founder & Head of Coffee

    Edd grew up in a home where waking up to home cooked meals and baked treats was a regular morning. Love for food and drink was inspired by his Mum and family holidays to France.

    Edd has always been creative and loves to cook. Roasting and brewing coffee is the perfect balance.

    Loves: Coffee, CrossFit, Cooking, Craft Beer, Charlie (all the Cā€™s)

    Drinks: Long Black & Aeropress

  • Co Founder & Head of Customer Experience

    Growing up with parents in the food industry and working front of house, Charlie fell in love with working with people.

    Charlie is always on hand for all of our wholesale partners and customers, the list is endless. Packing, quality control, deliveries and training. With a background in accounting, Charlie also manages the day to day running of Pearhaus.

    Loves: Dog walks, Boxsets, Family time, Christmas!

    Drinks: Flat White & Sparkling Water